
聖誕樹一直是慶祝聖誕節不可少的裝飾物,也是聖誕老公公掛禮物的地方,如果家中沒有聖誕樹,就大大減少了過節氣氛。關於聖誕節的樹由來有多種不同的傳說, 大約在十六世紀,聖誕樹最先出現在德國,德國人把長青的松柏枝拿到屋中去擺設,將之成為聖誕樹。另一個傳說記載,在很久以前,有一位農民,在聖誕節那天遇 到一個窮苦小孩,他熱情地接待這個兒童。兒童臨走時折下一根松枝插在地上,松枝立即變成一棵聖誕樹,上面都掛滿禮物以答謝農民好意。
聖誕節的樹真正的由來是在德國,之後又傳入歐洲和美國,並以其優美的姿態,成為聖誕節除了聖誕老公公以外不可缺少的裝飾。每棵聖誕樹上都掛滿琳瑯滿目 的裝飾品,每棵樹頂端一定有個特大的星星,而且也只有該家庭的一家之主可以把這棵希望之星掛上。


據 稱,聖誕樹最早出現在古羅馬12月中旬的農神節,德國傳教士尼古斯在西元8世紀用縱樹供奉聖嬰。隨後,德國人把12月24日作爲亞當和夏娃的節日,在家放 上象徵伊甸園的〝樂園樹〞,上挂代表聖餅的小甜餅,象徵贖罪;還點上蠟燭,象徵基督。到16世紀,宗教改革者馬丁.路德,爲求得一個滿天星斗的聖誕之夜, 設計出在家中佈置一顆裝著蠟燭的聖誕樹。





When to put up the Christmas tree

Traditionally, Christmas trees are put up 12 days before Christmas day, thus on the December 13th, and taken down 12 days after Christmas. But some put up the Christmas tree on December 6th in honor of the day Saint Nicholas died and take it down on Epiphany, January 6th. In Catholic tradition, Christmas trees are put up after noon on Christmas eve.


傳統上,聖誕樹在聖誕節當天的前12天開始擺放,因此是12月13日開始數12天到聖誕節之後。但有些人在12月6號當天開始放聖誕樹以紀念Saint Nicholas的逝世,並且擺放至主顯節-1月6號。以天主教的傳統,聖誕樹是在聖誕夜的中午過後開始擺放。





Christmas tree decorations

Trees were decorated with apples, cakes and candies for many centuries.  Martin Luther was the first to use candles on trees in the late 16th Century. In 1842, Charles Minnegrode introduced the custom of decorating trees to the US in Williamsburg, Virginia.

Martin Luther (1483 – 1546) is said to be the first to have decorated a Christmas tree with candles to show children how the stars twinkled through the dark night.
In 1850s, German company Lauscha, based in Thuringia, began to produce shaped glass bead garlands for Christmas trees. They also introduced the Rauschgoldengel, the Tingled-angel’, dressed in pure gilded tin.
The glass ornaments reached Britain in the 1870s, and North America around 1880.
In 1882, ornaments were complimented by electric Christmas lights. Edward Johnson, a colleague of Thomas Edison, lit a Christmas tree with a string of 80 small electric light bulbs which he had made himself. By 1890, the Christmas light strings were mass-produced. By 1900, stores put up large illuminated trees to lure the customers.


用蘋果、蛋糕和糖果來裝飾樹已流傳了很多世紀。馬丁·路德是第一個在16世紀末把糖果放在樹上的人。到了1842年Charles Minnegrode把裝飾聖誕樹的風俗帶到美國威廉斯堡的維吉尼亞州。馬丁·路德 (1483 – 1546)據說是第一個以糖果裝飾聖誕樹,來向孩童解釋星星如何在夜晚發光的人。
在1882年,這些裝飾品開始和聖誕燈飾搭配。Edward Johnson,Thomas Edison的一個同事,自己做了80個小燈泡的燈串將聖誕樹點亮。到了1890年,聖誕燈串被大量製作。1900年,店家開始擺放光亮的聖誕樹來吸引顧客。

Christmas 名子的由來



『The word “Christmas” means “Mass of Christ,” later shortened to “Christ-Mass.” The even shorter form “Xmas” – first used in Europe in the 1500s – is derived from the Greek alphabet, in which X is the first letter of Christ’s name: Xristos, therefore “X-Mass.”

Today we know that Christ was not born on the 25th of December. The date was chosen to coincide with the pagan Roman celebrations honoring Saturnus (the harvest god) and Mithras (the ancient god of light), a form of sun worship. These celebrations came on or just after the winter solstice, the shortest day of the year in the northern hemisphere, to announce that winter is not forever, that life continues, and an invitation to stay in good spirit.

But there’s much more to the fascinating history of Christmas! Where did the Christmas tree originate, why are Christmas candles important, etc.? The answers are all here.』

聖誕節的英文Christmas是指 ”Mass of Christ”- 基督的彌撒,之後簡寫為Christ-Mass。而後來縮寫的形式X’mas初見於1500年代的歐洲,是由希臘字母衍生而來,其中X是基督名字- Xristos的第一個字母 (希臘文的Ch是寫成X ),所以才有”X-Mass”

今日我們知道基督並不是在12月25號誕生的。這一天的選定是為了和異教徒羅馬人紀念Saturnus (農神)以及Mithras (古老的太陽神)慶典,一個對太陽表達敬仰的形式一致。這些慶典都是在羅馬冬至(12/25-北半球一年當中白晝最短的一天)當天或者之後舉行,宣示冬天不會永久,而生命不停延續,也是一個保有好精神的號召。
