

萬聖節是西洋鬼節,對國外來說萬聖節就像我們的中元節,這一天他們會把自己打扮的鬼模鬼樣,到處舉辦狂歡派對。「萬聖節」這個字,起源自天主教教 會。每年的 11 月 1 日,是天主教慶祝諸聖的節日 All Hallows Day 或 All Saint’s Day。

而在萬聖節前夕,每年十月三十一日的前夕是塞爾特族人的年度豐收祭典,象徵著一年的結束,以及新一年的開始。當時二千多年前的塞爾 特族人(即目前的蘇格蘭人、愛爾蘭人等)一年之中最害怕的日子莫過於十月三十一日的晚上,他們相信世人的生活是由神明所主宰的,而死亡之神 Samhain 在會在每年 10 月 31 日的夜晚會和逝者一起重返人間。


在 10 月 31 日晚上驚駭的時刻,活著的塞爾特人會為了躲避靈魂的搜索,在這天晚會上把家裡的爐火滅了,營造出一個寒冷陰森的環境,並刻意用動物的頭或皮毛做成的服飾打 扮自己成鬼怪的模樣,口中發出可怕的聲音,企圖嚇走靈魂也讓靈魂分不清誰是活的人,而不能夠找到替身;過了這個晚上,第二天就是萬聖節,一切也就回復平靜 了。





History of the Christmas tree

It is told that Saint Boniface, a monk from Crediton, Devonshire, England who established Christian churches in France and Germany in the 7th Century, one day came upon a group of pagans gathered around a big oak tree about to sacrifice a child to the god Thor. To stop the sacrifice and save the child’s life Boniface felled the tree with one mighty blow of his fist. In its place grew a small fir tree. The saint told the pagan worshipers that the tiny fir was the Tree of Life and stood for the eternal life of Christ.

It is also told that Saint Boniface used the triangular shape of the fir tree to describe the Holy Trinity of God the Father, Son and Holy Ghost. By the 12th Century, Christmas trees were hung from ceilings as a symbol of Christianity. However, in that time, for a reason no one could yet explain, the trees were hung upside down.

據說Saint Boniface(聖博尼法斯),一個來自英國德文郡克雷迪頓的修道士,於第七世紀,在法國和德國建立了天主教教堂,有一天碰到一個聚集在一顆大橡樹之下,準備要向雷神祭祀一個小孩的異教徒團體。為了阻止此祭祀並拯救這個孩子的性命,博尼法斯用拳頭重擊一下把樹擊倒。在那個地方長出了一小顆冷杉。聖博尼法斯告訴異教徒參拜者那個小冷杉就是代表耶穌綿延不絕的生命之樹。

傳說中Saint Boniface還用冷杉的三角形來描述上帝之父,上帝之子以及上帝聖靈的復活主日。到了12世紀,聖誕樹被從天花板吊起作為基督教精神的象徵。然而,在那時不知為何,樹都是被倒掛著的。




Christmas official, but not generally observed

In 325AD, Constantine the Great, the first Christian Roman emperor, introduced Christmas as an immovable feast on 25 December. He also introduced Sunday as a holy day in a new 7-day week, and introduced movable feasts (Easter). In 354AD, Bishop Liberius of Rome officially ordered his members to celebrate the birth of Jesus on 25 December.

However, even though Constantine officiated 25 December as the birthday of Christ, Christians, recognizing the date as a pagan festival, did not share in the emperor’s good intentions. Christmas failed to gain universal recognition among Christians until quite recently.

In England, for instance, Oliver Cromwell banned Christmas festivities between 1649 and 1660 through the so-called Blue Laws, believing that Christmas should be a solemn day.

When many Protestants escaped persecution by fleeing to the colonies all over the world, interest in joyous Christmas celebrations was rekindled there. Still, Christmas was not even a legal holiday until the 1800s. And, keep in mind, there was no Father Christmas (Santa Claus) figure at that time.




