


Father Christmas on Christmas cards

The first greeting card produced in the US was by German lithographer, Louis Prang, who emigrated to New York around 1850. Prang set up a workshop in Boston, Massachusetts in 1860 and began to produce the first color cards with scenes of winter tales for Christmas and New Year.
During the American Civil War, Abraham Lincoln requested a political cartoonist, Thomas Nast, to illustrate Santa Christmas (Santa Claus) with the Union troops to bolster their spirits. Nast was the first to introduce a Father Christmas in the now-traditional red suit and big leather belt.
Today, greeting cards is a multi-billion dollar industry supplying cards for just about any occasion.


在美國第一張賀卡是由德國的印刷工- Louis Prang所製造,他是在1850左右移民到紐約。Prang在1860年於美國麻薩諸塞州波士頓設置了一間工作室,並開始生產第一張聖誕和新年冬季故事圖的彩色卡片。
在美國內戰時期,亞伯拉罕·林肯要求一位政治漫畫家- Thomas Nast畫出聖誕老人隨著統一大軍來鞏固他們的精神。 Nast是第一個用現在的傳統紅色穿著以及大皮帶來介紹聖誕老人的人。




he first Christmas cards

Though wood engravers produced prints with religious themes in the European Middle Ages, the first commercial Christmas and New Year’s card was designed in London, England in 1843.

John Callcott Horsley (1817 – 1903), a British narrative painter and a Royal Academician, designed the first Christmas and New Year’s card at the suggestion and request of his friend Sir Henry Cole, who was the first director of the Victoria and Albert Museum. Horsley designed the first Christmas card in 1840, but it went on sale only in 1843, when one thousand cards were offered for 1s each.

The card was not received without controversy, for it showed a family raising their glasses to toast Christmas. Puritans immediately denounced it. The idea was a hit with others. Christmas card became very popular, and other artists quickly followed Horsley’s concept. A particularly popular card was designed by English artist William Egley in 1849.

The first Christmas cards were printed in 1843 in lithography by Jobbins of Warwick Court, Holborn, London, and hand-coloured by an artist named Mason. They were lithographed on stiff cardboard, with the greeting, “A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to You.” It also states that is was “Published at Summerly’s Home Treasury Office, 12 Old Bond Street, London.


爵士- 第一位維多利亞與亞伯特博物館總監的建議和要求,設計了第一張聖誕和新年卡,Horsley在1840年設計了第一張聖誕卡,但在1843年,每款印制1000張時才開始銷售。

由於卡片上呈現家庭舉杯慶祝聖誕節,當時收到卡片時皆備受爭議。清教徒立刻譴責。而這個想法對其他人來說則是一個風潮。聖誕卡變得非常流行,其他藝術家也跟進Horsley的概念。當時最受歡迎的卡片是1849年英國藝術家William Egley設計的卡片。

第一張被印出的聖誕卡是在1843年,由Jobbins在倫敦以平版印刷印出,由藝術家Mason手繪顏色,印製在厚紙板上,並且寫上” 祝你有個快樂的聖誕以及新年”。同時也註明了其在倫敦的發行地址。