


When to put up the Christmas tree

Traditionally, Christmas trees are put up 12 days before Christmas day, thus on the December 13th, and taken down 12 days after Christmas. But some put up the Christmas tree on December 6th in honor of the day Saint Nicholas died and take it down on Epiphany, January 6th. In Catholic tradition, Christmas trees are put up after noon on Christmas eve.


傳統上,聖誕樹在聖誕節當天的前12天開始擺放,因此是12月13日開始數12天到聖誕節之後。但有些人在12月6號當天開始放聖誕樹以紀念Saint Nicholas的逝世,並且擺放至主顯節-1月6號。以天主教的傳統,聖誕樹是在聖誕夜的中午過後開始擺放。





Quick Christmas facts

The 25th of December is celebrated as the birth date of Jesus Christ. The Bible does not mention Christmas, and early Christians did not observe the birthday of Christ. Christmas as we know it became widely popular only in the 19th Century.

Christmas starts on December 25 and ends 12 days later on January 6 with the Feast of Epiphany also called “The Adoration of the Magi” or “The Manifestation of God.”
The concept of “Peace and Joy” over the Christmas season originates from the pagan                       blieve in the magical powers of mistletoe. Enemies meeting under a mistletoe had to call truce until the following day

In Finland and Sweden an old tradition prevails, where the twelve days of Christmas are declared to be time of civil peace by law. It used to be that a person committing crimes during this time would be liable to more stiff sentence than normal.
During the Middle Ages, many churches were built in honor of Saint Nicholas, the patron saint of children. Wearing his red and white bishop’s robes, he would ride on a donkey to deliver gifts to children.




在中古時期,很多教堂為了紀念Saint Nicholas-兒童的保護神而被建造




Christmas becomes popular

The popularity of Christmas was spurred on in 1820 by Washington Irving’s book The Keeping of Christmas at Bracebridge Hall.

In 1834, Britain’s Queen Victoria brought her German husband, Prince Albert, into Windsor Castle, introducing the tradition of the Christmas tree and carols that were held in Europe to the British Empire.

A week before Christmas in 1834, Charles Dickens published A Christmas Carol (in which he wrote that Scrooge required Cratchit to work).  It was so popular that neither the churches nor the governments could not ignore the importance of Christmas celebrations.

In 1836, Alabama became the first state in the US to declare Christmas a legal holiday.

In 1837, T.H. Hervey’s The Book of Christmas also became a best seller.

In 1860, American illustrator Thomas Nast borrowed from the European stories about Saint Nicholas, the patron saint of children, to create Father Christmas (Santa Claus).

In 1907, Oklahoma became the last US state to declare Christmas a legal holiday. Year by year, countries all over the world started to recognize Christmas as the day for celebrating the birth of Jesus.


聖誕節在1820年由於華盛頓·歐文的著作-The Keeping of Christmas at Bracebridge Hall,促使聖誕節更為流行。


1834 年聖誕節的前一周,查爾斯.狄更斯出版了一本聖誕歌頌(中文譯: 小氣財神) (裡頭寫到守財奴Scrooge如何壓榨Cratchit不斷工作)。其受歡迎的程度讓教會和政府都不得不注意到聖誕節的重要性。


在1837年,T.H. Hervey的書- The Book of Christmas 也成為當時最暢銷書。

1860年,美國漫畫家湯瑪斯‧奈斯特取自歐洲關於Saint Nicholas(兒童守護神)的故事,創造出聖誕節之父(聖誕老人)。
