
許多國家都保存了他們自己有關聖誕老人的風俗和傳說。在荷蘭的傳說中,聖誕老人Sintirklass還帶了一個叫Black Peter的助手,乘著一艘船於12月6日來到。他帶著一本大書,書中描述了所有荷蘭小孩在過去一年中的表現。表現好的小孩就送禮物給他們,不好的小孩便 讓他的助手帶走。

德國的聖誕老人也帶著一個叫做Knecht Ruprecht、Krampus或Pelzebock的助手,肩上背著個裝著禮物的大袋子,手上拿著一根棍子。好孩子可收到他的禮物,頑皮的孩子卻要給教訓幾棍子。

義大利的聖誕老人叫La Befana;

法國的聖誕老人叫Father Christmas或Pere Noel;

瑞士的聖誕老人叫Christkindl或Christ Child;

斯勘的納維亞地區的聖誕人叫julenisse 或 juletomte;

而英國的聖誕老人和法國一樣也叫Father Christmas(聖誕之父),他的形象比其他聖誕老人更莊嚴,更清瘦一些。





At one stage it was thought that Father Christmas (Santa Claus) lives in the North Pole. In 1925 it was discovered that there are no reindeer in the North Pole. But there are lots in Lapland, Finland. So today we know that the reindeer live around the secret village of Father Christmas and the elves somewhere on the Korvatunturi mountain in the Savukoski county of Lapland, Finland, which is on the Finnish-Russian border.
Long ago, Father Christmas and the elves discovered the special formula of Magical Reindeer Dust which make them fly. This dust is sprinkled on each of the reindeer shortly before they leave on Christmas Eve. It gives them enough magic to fly right around the world. They can fly very fast: at about the speed of a Christmas light.





Father Christmas on Christmas cards

The first greeting card produced in the US was by German lithographer, Louis Prang, who emigrated to New York around 1850. Prang set up a workshop in Boston, Massachusetts in 1860 and began to produce the first color cards with scenes of winter tales for Christmas and New Year.
During the American Civil War, Abraham Lincoln requested a political cartoonist, Thomas Nast, to illustrate Santa Christmas (Santa Claus) with the Union troops to bolster their spirits. Nast was the first to introduce a Father Christmas in the now-traditional red suit and big leather belt.
Today, greeting cards is a multi-billion dollar industry supplying cards for just about any occasion.


在美國第一張賀卡是由德國的印刷工- Louis Prang所製造,他是在1850左右移民到紐約。Prang在1860年於美國麻薩諸塞州波士頓設置了一間工作室,並開始生產第一張聖誕和新年冬季故事圖的彩色卡片。
在美國內戰時期,亞伯拉罕·林肯要求一位政治漫畫家- Thomas Nast畫出聖誕老人隨著統一大軍來鞏固他們的精神。 Nast是第一個用現在的傳統紅色穿著以及大皮帶來介紹聖誕老人的人。




 Father Christmas or Santa Claus

The figure of Father Christmas (Santa Claus) is based on the patron saint of children, Saint Nicholas (270-310AD), who became one of the youngest bishops ever at age 17. At age 30 he became the Bishop of Myra, a port town on the Mediterranean Sea, that is part of modern-day Turkey. He hailed from a rich home and became well known for supporting the needy. He would often be seen, clad in red and white bishop’s robes and riding on a donkey, handing out gifts to children.

During the Middle Ages, many churches were built in honor of Saint Nicholas. In the 11th century, his remains were enshrined in a church in the Italian city of Bari. It is told that the first Crusaders visited Bari and carried stories about Nicholas to their homelands. The anniversary of his death, 6 December, became a day to exchange gifts.

During the Protestant Reformation of the 16th century, Martin Luther tried to stop the venerating of saints and the feast of Saint Nicholas was abolished in some European countries. The gift giver took on other names: in Germany, he became Der Weinachtsmann (“Christmas Man”), Pre Nol in France, Father Christmas in Britain and the colonies, and many other names.


聖誕節之父(聖誕老人)的形象是基於一個兒童的守護神(Saint Nicholas) 西元270到310年),在他17歲的時候便成為最年輕的主教。而在他30歲時成為米拉的主教,米拉是一個地中海上的港城,也就是現今土耳其的一部分。他來自一個富有的家庭並且變成廣為人知的救濟家。他常常批著紅白相間的主教袍出現,並且騎著一隻爐子,發送禮物給孩子們。

在中古世紀,很多教堂為了紀念Saint Nicholas而被建造。在11世紀,他的遺骸被置於位於義大利八里市的教堂神龕中。傳說中第一批造訪八里的十字軍,將有關Nicholas的故事帶到他們的家鄉。每年他的忌日-12月6號,就成了交換禮物日。

在16世紀新教徒宗教改革期間,馬丁·路德試著阻止對於Saint Nicholas的欽仰,廢除了一些在歐洲國家的慶典。禮物的施予者被冠上其他名字: 在德國,他成了Der Weinachtsmann (聖誕男人),法國是Pre Nol,而英國以及其殖民地是聖誕節之父,還有很多其他國家各有其名字。

Christmas 名子的由來



『The word “Christmas” means “Mass of Christ,” later shortened to “Christ-Mass.” The even shorter form “Xmas” – first used in Europe in the 1500s – is derived from the Greek alphabet, in which X is the first letter of Christ’s name: Xristos, therefore “X-Mass.”

Today we know that Christ was not born on the 25th of December. The date was chosen to coincide with the pagan Roman celebrations honoring Saturnus (the harvest god) and Mithras (the ancient god of light), a form of sun worship. These celebrations came on or just after the winter solstice, the shortest day of the year in the northern hemisphere, to announce that winter is not forever, that life continues, and an invitation to stay in good spirit.

But there’s much more to the fascinating history of Christmas! Where did the Christmas tree originate, why are Christmas candles important, etc.? The answers are all here.』

聖誕節的英文Christmas是指 ”Mass of Christ”- 基督的彌撒,之後簡寫為Christ-Mass。而後來縮寫的形式X’mas初見於1500年代的歐洲,是由希臘字母衍生而來,其中X是基督名字- Xristos的第一個字母 (希臘文的Ch是寫成X ),所以才有”X-Mass”

今日我們知道基督並不是在12月25號誕生的。這一天的選定是為了和異教徒羅馬人紀念Saturnus (農神)以及Mithras (古老的太陽神)慶典,一個對太陽表達敬仰的形式一致。這些慶典都是在羅馬冬至(12/25-北半球一年當中白晝最短的一天)當天或者之後舉行,宣示冬天不會永久,而生命不停延續,也是一個保有好精神的號召。
